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Hockey Seeks To Become The Most LGBT-Friendly Men's Pro Sport


“[T]he official policy of the NHL is one of inclusion on the ice, in our locker rooms and in the stands,” NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman says. The “You Can Play Project” will work with the NHL at rookie camp, in the media and with players wanting information about sexual orientation.

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman

Image by Frank Franklin II / AP

WASHINGTON — The National Hockey League moved Thursday to formalize its work in support of making the sport welcoming for LGBT players and fans — the most comprehensive action taken on the issue by any of the men's major leagues.

In announcing a partnership with the You Can Play Project, a program started by Patrick Burke to fight homophobia and transphobia in sports, the league and players' association are breaking new ground among piecemeal efforts in several of the men's major leagues to make sports more welcoming for LGBT people.

"Our motto is 'Hockey Is For Everyone,'" NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman said in a statement announcing the news, "and our partnership with You Can Play certifies that position in a clear and unequivocal way. While we believe that our actions in the past have shown our support for the LGBT community, we are delighted to reaffirm through this joint venture with the NHL Players' Association that the official policy of the NHL is one of inclusion on the ice, in our locker rooms and in the stands."

Burke, who started the You Can Play Project in part to advance the legacy of his brother Brendan, an out collegiate hockey coach and former player who died in 2009, called the NHL's move historic.

"I think the most important thing is that we're seeing a major professional league and a major professional players' association step up and make an official statement about inclusion. This isn't, 'Oh, we'll deal with it.' This isn't, 'Oh, we'll tolerate it,'" he said. "This is the hockey community saying to the LGBT community, 'You are invited. You are welcome. You are embraced here.' This is huge. From a sports perspective, this is historic."

The news comes at a moment of intense attention on gay issues, even within the sports world, where discussion about whether professional football players are readying to come out has been front and center in the past week.

Despite the discussion, no mens' major league sport can claim to have had an out gay player still active in the sport — although several athletes have come out after leaving the sport.

Thursday's announcement looks to formalize actions, some of which have taken place elsewhere in the sports world on a lower-profile basis. According to the announcement, the partnership with You Can Play means the group will be conducting seminars at the NHL's rookie symposium to address LGBT issues with new recruits. The National Basketball Association conducted a similar effort at its rookie camp this past year in coordination with Athlete Ally and GLAAD.

The You Can Play Project partnership also means the NHL will be involved in more public service announcements to advance LGBT inclusion.

"NHL players have supported the You Can Play Project since its inception, which we are pleased to formalize and expand upon with today's announcement," the NHL Players' Association's executive director, Don Fehr, said in a statement. "The players believe our partnership with the NHL and You Can Play will foster an inclusive hockey environment from the grassroots level to the professional ranks."

The partnership also includes an element focused specifically on helping players who might be dealing with questions about whether to come out. As part of the new partnership, the NHLPA and NHL also will work with You Can Play to integrate the project into their Behavioral Health Program, enabling players to confidentially seek counseling or simply ask questions regarding matters of sexual orientation.

This Man Just Re-Invented The Art Of Chugging Beer


Catching a foul ball is cool. But do you know what's even cooler than that? Well, so many things, but especially this.

Here's a guy at last night's Astros-Mariners game in Seattle...

Here's a guy at last night's Astros-Mariners game in Seattle...

He just caught a foul ball...

He just caught a foul ball...

In his beer...

In his beer...

Hey, good job, you.

And guess what he decides to do with it...

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Surprise Sharks Are The Scariest Sharks


The dangerous side of being an outdoorsman.

What am I doing? Oh nothing. Just doing some relaxing fishing...

What am I doing? Oh nothing. Just doing some relaxing fishing...

Yep nothing to see herOHMYGOD!

Yep nothing to see herOHMYGOD!

Watch the video here:

Source: youtube.com

77 Pictures Of The Masters, The Mecca Of Golf Porn


Augusta National Golf Club in all its glory.

Via: Scott Halleran / Getty Images

Via: David Cannon / Getty Images

Via: Mike Ehrmann / Getty Images

Via: Andrew Redington / Getty Images

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Peyton Manning Played A Great Practical Joke On His Star Receiver


Let's all bow down to the king.

Peyton Manning (along with his brother Eli) are down at Duke this week working out with a few NFL receivers.

Peyton Manning (along with his brother Eli) are down at Duke this week working out with a few NFL receivers.

Via: Gerry Broome / AP

Among them is Eric Decker, Peyton Manning's top receiver in Denver.

Among them is Eric Decker, Peyton Manning's top receiver in Denver.

Via: Dustin Bradford / Getty Images

Peyton decided to have some fun with Decker. He made up this very realistic looking invoice and had it waiting for Decker when he arrived for these "voluntary" workouts.

Peyton decided to have some fun with Decker. He made up this very realistic looking invoice and had it waiting for Decker when he arrived for these "voluntary" workouts.

Source: @EricDecker87

But like any good prankster, Peyton was very thorough. He sent these "invoices" to all the other receivers who were there for the workouts.

But like any good prankster, Peyton was very thorough. He sent these "invoices" to all the other receivers who were there for the workouts.

Source: @mortreport

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Pitchers Are Trying To Fool Bryce Harper With Changeups, And They Are Failing


The 20-year-old phenom is smashing baseballs with ease, and advanced stats show a pattern behind the carnage.

After 22 homers and a .340 on-base percentage as a 19-year-old rookie, Bryce Harper proved he can hit baseballs far and reach base with consistency.

After 22 homers and a .340 on-base percentage as a 19-year-old rookie, Bryce Harper proved he can hit baseballs far and reach base with consistency.

Via: Rob Carr / Getty Images

Two homers on Opening Day 2013 proved Harper was ready for more. The first was a beeline to right ...

Two homers on Opening Day 2013 proved Harper was ready for more. The first was a beeline to right ...

Source: s3-ec.buzzfed.com

... while the second took a more majestic arc to the same vicinity.

... while the second took a more majestic arc to the same vicinity.

Source: s3-ec.buzzfed.com

His fourth of the year (from last night) was a looping 420-foot blast to right.

His fourth of the year (from last night) was a looping 420-foot blast to right.

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Jay-Z's Nets Diss Track Was Not The Only Song The White House Addressed Today


White House press secretary Jay Carney responded today to a question about a Jay-Z lyric involving President Obama from the rapper's Brooklyn Nets diss track. As this exclusive transcript indicates, it was not the session's only musical digression.

"The gentleman...I believe the gentleman has admitted to shooting the sheriff...but the President does believe it is his right to enter a plea of self-defense at trial."

Via: Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP

White House Daily Press Briefing

Jay Carney: Ok, we've got a lot of things today. The President's new budget proposal, chained CPI, gun control legislation. Let's start over here, Jessica Yellin.

Jessica Yellin, CNN: Jay, I'm sure you're aware of Jay-Z and Beyonce's recent trip to Cuba and the controversy surrounding that...

JC: Yes...

JY: Well, Jay-Z released a rap song today. Some of the lyrics: "You gettin' too much bread, they try to jam you / Boy from the hood but got White House clearance," and a little later...uh...let's see..."Obama said 'chill, you gonna get me impeached' / But you don't need this shit anyway / Chill with me on the beach." When did the White House OK Jay-Z's Cuba trip and how often does the President communicate with Jay-Z?

JC: It's Treasury that handles authorizing travel to Cuba and it's my understanding that the group they traveled with was OK'd. (chuckles) The President does not communicate with Jay-Z.

JY: But, Jay-Z mentions here references a conversation with the President pertaining to Cuba....

JC: That's a song; those are song lyrics. That's a metaphor. Next, ummm, Ed Henry.

Ed Henry, FOX News: Jay, I'd like to draw your attention to a song by Johnny Cash where he...uh...here it is...where he admits to shooting a man. In Reno. Has Justice moved on this case at all, and if not why is the AG [attorney general] dragging his feet on this?

JC: Again these are song lyrics...and anyway I believe this song was released some years ago. I don't even think the President was alive...

EH: The statute of limitations on murder never runs out...

JC: I've stated our position. Next...Jake Tapper.

Jake Tapper, CNN: Jay, Bob Marley admits to, not only the murder of a law enforcement officer, but seems to intimate that he has knowledge of the murder of a second. He also mentions marijuana trafficking as the probable motive for the murder of the second man...uh...a Sheriff, John Brown...any chance this is Aryan Brotherhood...

JC: Ok, let's move on... David Brody.

David Brody, CBN: Jay, Eric Clapton recently said "if you wanna get out you need to take her out, cocaine." Seems like a clear issue for the DEA, no? Or has the White House put drug issues on the back burner?

JC: (sigh)...You know, I don't...for one Eric Clapton didn't even write that song. Next, let's see..non-music questions, OK? Rob Reynolds.

Rob Reynolds, Al-Jazeera: Jay, Steve Miller has stated emphatically his intent to "fly like an eagle into the future." Who regulates time-travel technology, FAA? Does the Pentagon have this technology and wouldn't altering the time-stream be a national security concern? I'm a little fuzzy on the time-stream thing, but my son recently watched Looper and he assures me...

JC: Next. Chuck Todd.

Chuck Todd, NBC: Jay, by his own admission, Sammy Hagar refuses to comply with federally mandated highway speed limits...

JC: That's it, we're done.

Yet More Evidence That Vin Scully Is Our Greatest Living Broadcaster


Social media? Hashtags? A TV CHANNEL FOR DOGS?

Broadcaster Vin Scully, now in his 64th season as the voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers, is beyond reproach. The man even had his own Bobblehead Night last season.

Broadcaster Vin Scully, now in his 64th season as the voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers, is beyond reproach. The man even had his own Bobblehead Night last season.

Source: mlblogscrzblue.files.wordpress.com

He remembers Ebbets Field, torn down 53 years ago, with such alacrity and verve that it makes you feel like you're there.

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Via: mlb.mlb.com

Scully even once made a parachutist crashing a World Series game seem like not the weirdest thing you ever witnessed during a baseball game.

Via: mlb.mlb.com

So when Vin Scully wants to opine about, say, the origins of hashtags and whether cats would be allowed to watch a cable channel devoted to dogs, he's earned that right.

So when Vin Scully wants to opine about, say, the origins of hashtags and whether cats would be allowed to watch a cable channel devoted to dogs, he's earned that right.

Via: Stephen Dunn / Getty Images

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A Nose-Picking Videobomber Is The Greatest Videobomber


This is tremendous.

Step One: Pop your head into frame.

Step One: Pop your head into frame.

Step Two: Do the double nose pick.

Step Two: Do the double nose pick.

Step Three: Get out of there before you overstay your welcome.

Step Three: Get out of there before you overstay your welcome.

It's just...so...beautiful.

It's just...so...beautiful.

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The Greatest Travesty Ever: "The Sandlot" Edition


This is unacceptable!

Recently BuzzFeed sat down with Tom Guiry, the actor who played Scotty Smalls in The Sandlot to talk in honor of the recent release of the movie's 20th Anniversary Blu-ray edition.

During the course of our talk, we asked Guiry how often someone quotes the greatest movie line of all time to him:

So how often do people say "You're killing me, Smalls!" to the real life Scott Smalls?

So how often do people say "You're killing me, Smalls!" to the real life Scott Smalls?



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Is This The Greatest Buzzer Beater Of All Time?


At the end of the first quarter, Warriors point guard Jarrett Jack launched a full-court prayer. But sometimes…[puts on sunglasses]…prayers get answered.

Is this the greatest buzzer beater off all time?

Via: @guyism


Check out the video:

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TNT's "No Play-By-Play" TV Experiment Amounts To A Lot Of Fake Camaraderie And Silence


The network broadcast a game last night with three analysts and zero people explaining what was happening.

The best thing going for TNT's Thursday night experiment in dumping the traditional play-by-play broadcaster in favor of three former-players-turned-analysts is that it was delayed by the preceding game going into overtime.

Because the Knicks and Bulls played an extra frame in Chicago, basketball-watching America was mercifully denied some 20 to 25 minutes of Steve Kerr, Chris Webber, Reggie Miller's ramblings. Unfortunately, by 11:05 Eastern time, this trio had gotten on the air and what followed went pretty much as expected. Mildly confusing hoops analysis was the night's one-course menu and context was not in season.

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From the outset, the Kerr/Miller/Webber machine was only interested in conversation, while the events happening mere feet from their sight were given the most cursory treatment. If you turned your head and conveniently forgot there was a basketball game on your TV, you might have thought you had downloaded some new basketball podcast or fallen into a late-night sports radio roundtable. But the atmosphere was saturated with nervous dispassion, as if the trio were unable to stop worrying that their usual safety nets — Marv Albert, Kevin Harlan — would not be putting on a headset.

In fairness, the group improved by the second quarter's midway point, if only because Steve Kerr, the self-proclaimed "point guard" of the three, started taking casual notice of passing events, a welcome confirmation to the viewers at home that the analysts were just as interested in Kevin Durant and Steph Curry as they were their own conversations. Kerr clearly held the reins and however he fared, so would this broadcast. When Jarrett Jack's layup brought the Warriors to within two less than five minutes before the half, Kerr's immediate analysis — "So the Warrriors, after a slow start to this game, had some sloppy turnovers, [but] they've climbed back in it, and they've settled themselves down" — felt applicable in a whole other way.

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The Dodgers-Padres Fight Featured A Single Clearly-At-Fault Jackass


And he's not the one with a broken collarbone.

In the sixth inning of last night's Dodgers-Padres game, Los Angeles pitcher Zack Greinke plunked San Diego's Carlos Quentin on the elbow. The game was close and the count had been 3-2 — not typically intentional-beanball time.

In the sixth inning of last night's Dodgers-Padres game, Los Angeles pitcher Zack Greinke plunked San Diego's Carlos Quentin on the elbow. The game was close and the count had been 3-2 — not typically intentional-beanball time.

Well, Quentin charged the mound and started an all-out brawl.

Well, Quentin charged the mound and started an all-out brawl.

Upon impact, Quentin broke Greinke's collarbone.

Upon impact, Quentin broke Greinke's collarbone.

Via: Lenny Ignelzi / AP

Soon enough, both benches and bullpens were cleared.

Soon enough, both benches and bullpens were cleared.

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The Daily Show's Report On The NCAA Is Scathing And Perfect


“Amateurism,” indeed.

Years from now, when the NCAA finally reforms its backwards, arcane practices of not paying student-athletes their fair share, perhaps we'll look back at this perfect Daily Show segment from last night as the tipping point.

Via: thedailyshow.com

Dingbat High School Kids Claim They Could Beat Michael Jordan One-On-One In His Prime


We've projected what would actually happen if they played.

Via: Beth A. Keiser, File / AP

Michael Jordan hosts the "Jordan Brand Classic" high school all-star game this weekend in Brooklyn, and USA Today scored an entertaining scoop by asking the prospects how they'd do 1-on-1 against #23 in his prime, discovering that four of them are delusional narcissists who think they could take down the champ.

We've run some advanced computer simulations to see how these four bold, stupid individuals would actually do in that scenario.

Dakari Johnson — Montverde, FL (Kentucky commmit)

Dakari Johnson — Montverde, FL (Kentucky commmit)

Johnson predicted only a 1-point victory (11-10 in USA Today's theoretical game to 11) and offered at least a semi-plausible explanation (he's four inches taller than Jordan and would be able to grind out points in the post) for why he'd do well. Our simulation gives him credit for humility. He loses 11-0.

Andrew Harrison — Richmond, TX (Kentucky commit)

Andrew Harrison — Richmond, TX (Kentucky commit)

Harrison had the gall to claim he would "lock [Jordan] down" for an easy four-point win. In return, Jordan locks Harrison down — in the pit/prison from The Dark Knight Rises. When Harrison manages to climb to the top six months later, he finds that he has in fact only climbed into a second, bigger prison, where he is sentenced to 30 years of Michael Jordan raining turnaround jumpers in his eye. Final score 30,000-nothing.

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721 Sporting Events You Could Attend For The Cost Of A Masters Ticket


Four days of golf or six years of MLB season tickets? The choice is yours.

Access to Augusta National Golf Club for the Masters is notoriously one of, if not the, toughest ticket in sports. For normal human beings, securing a weeklong pass to the event is next to impossible. But for those with endless bank accounts, there's always StubHub. According to the ticketing website's data from this year's tournament, a four-day badge on the open market could get you two-year lease on a luxury car.

Which raises the question: What other sporting events could you attend for $3,531?

We complied the highest and lowest average ticket prices for each major sport and figured out how many games you could attend based on the median StubHub sale price of a 2013 4-Day Masters badge.

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Hockey Player Licks Opponent's Visor To...Intimidate Him, We Guess


Hockey players will do whatever it takes to get into the head of their opponent. Even this.

Last night, the Montreal Canadiens squared off against the Buffalo Sabres, giving us this glorious moment:

Yep, that's Steve Ott licking the visor of Jeff Halpern during a faceoff. Who knew hockey players could be so gentle? Fingers crossed Halpern calls him this weekend.

Watch the video here:

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Blind Runner Takes On Boston Marathon To Raise Money For Cancer

"Where's Waldo" Meets The Masters

The 10 Qualities That Made A Great Nickelodeon Champion


Do-do-do-do you have it? The necessary qualifications to become a Nickelodeon champion.

Back in the day, Nickelodeon was the shit. And I mean The. Shit. Its magazine was dope, its Gak was crazy, and its shows were some of the best television events in the history of ever.

And if you were a kid growing up in the '90s, you most definitely wanted to be on one of the following shows: Guts, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Double Dare, Figure It Out, What Would You Do?, and/or Wild & Crazy Kids. And if you didn't want to be on one of those shows, you were probably picked last in kickball and should work on your hand-eye coordination.

Anyway, after spending way too much time thinking about the above programming, I'm ready to impart some practical wisdom onto the world. So let's take a look at the 10 Things That Make a Nickelodeon Champion:

Don't fuck up the Shrine of the Silver Monkey.

Don't fuck up the Shrine of the Silver Monkey.

You would think arranging a three-piece monkey statue would be a simple task, but it is apparently the most difficult mission in the world. It's like The Da Vinci Code for kids, only not that hard to solve. Seriously, you guys, IT'S THREE F*CKING PIECES!

Remember to hit all the actuators on the Aggro Crag.

Remember to hit all the actuators on the Aggro Crag.

Pop quiz: What's the toughest part about scaling the Super Ultra Mega Aggro Crag? Answer: The actuators.

Sure, the avalanche of boulders was intimidating, but those boulders were probably fake. The light-'em-up actuators, on the other hand, were all too real. And for some reason, "Bobby in blue" would blindly race up the mountain and inevitably miss one of those bad boys, forcing him to climb back down and do it all over again.

You're so stupid, Bobby!

Be on the Silver Snakes or the Blue Barracudas.

Be on the Silver Snakes or the Blue Barracudas.

If you were on the Purple Parrots, you might as well just give up at The Moat stage, collect your chocolate milk, and go home, because there was no chance of you winning this thing. Everybody knows the Silver Snakes and Blue Barracudas were the only teams to ever complete the Temple Run and collect the grand prize.

There aren't any stats to back up that statement, but we can all agree that it is, indeed, very true.

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